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Perch Base
Eagle Scout
Court of Honor

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Four Perch Base members: Bob Gilmore, Dan Marks, Glenn Posniack and Joe Trotter went to the Troop 2019 Eagle Scout Court of Honor on July 27, 2024 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Recker Rd in Mesa, AZ.
Bob Gilmore, Dan Marks and Joe Trotter were all Eagle Scouts as youngsters. As part of the Court of Honor, Joe Trotter presented certificates of achievement to each of the four Eagle Scouts:
Reid Spencer Nyman
Jayden Cash Boone
Blake Allen Yelverton, and
Clark Isaac Heiselt.
Joe Trotter's presentation included parallels between paths to become an Eagle Scout and to become qualified in submarines. Examples included the long period of study, work, and devotion required, and how the brotherhood of the "Dolphin" and the brotherhood of "Eagles" will last a lifetime for almost all of us - We are submariners for the rest of our life and we are Eagle Scouts for the rest of our life.
Congratulations to these young gentlemen!

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July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Joe Trotter presenting parallels between paths to become an Eagle Scout and to become qualified in submarines

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Joe Trotter awarded each Eagle Scout with their Recognition of Outstanding Achievement certificate. Bob Gilmore assisted in the presentation.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

(l-r:) Bob Gilmore, Blake Allen Yelverton, Reid Spencer Nyman, Clark Isaac Heiselt, Jayden Cash Boone and Joe Trotter.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

The Perch Base Eagle Scouts welcome the newly inducted Eagle Scouts.
(front row, l-r:) Cash, Blake, Reid, and Clark.
(back row, l-r:) Bob Gilmore, Dan Marks and Joe Trotter.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Perch Base member Glenn Posniack also attended the Court of Honor.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

The "Eagle's Nest": Designated seating for all the Eagle Scouts attending the Court of Honor.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Each of the Eagle Scouts had a display table presenting their Eagle Scout Project.
This was Blake's display.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Each of the Eagle Scouts had a display table presenting their Eagle Scout Project.
This was Reid's display.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Each of the Eagle Scouts had a display table presenting their Eagle Scout Project.
This was Clark's display.

July 2024 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Photos

Each of the Eagle Scouts had a display table presenting their Eagle Scout Project.
This was Cash's display.

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