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Perch Base
Chris Gahan
Silver Anchor Award

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Congratulations to Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) Life and Holland Club member and Communications Officer Chris Gahan for receiving a USSVI National 2024 Silver Anchor Award. The awards were announced at the USSVI National Convention held in Cleveland, OH.
The Silver Anchor Award is presented to a Regular or Associate Member in recognition of his/her efforts to support one of the primary objectives of our Creed…to provide a way for all submariners to gather for their mutual benefit and enjoyment.
This Award recognizes the Shipmate’s volunteer support for meetings, projects, and events, including work to recruit new Members and to retain the current membership of the Base, and is intended to recognize recent accomplishments.
In addition to Chris' contributions as our Communications Officer, he is also our representative to the United Arizona Veterans (UAV.)

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Chris Gahan Silver Anchor Award Photos

Perch Base Commander, George Woods (left), presents the Silver Anchor Award to Chris Gahan.

Chris Gahan Silver Anchor Award Photos

Chris Gahan proudly accepts the Silver Anchor Award.

Chris Gahan Silver Anchor Award Photos

The Silver Anchor Award plaque.

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